Gun Violence in Georgia has become a public health crisis
which we can no longer ignore.
Over the past five years in Georgia, there were:
incidents of gun-related violence
mass shootings
deaths due to gun violence
Georgia ranks 15th-highest in the nation for gun-related deaths – 25% higher than the national average.
Yet Georgia also trails other states in its response and efforts to protect our communities.
so, what can we do?
Gun violence is a problem that requires community-wide action. The Georgia Coalition for Safe Communities (GCSC) advocates for policy solutions at the state and federal level, as well as for more education and advocacy in local communities and neighborhoods.
the georgia coalition for safe communities is working to:
Support proposals at the state and federal level to preserve safe gun ownership while closing loopholes that have been proven to lead to gun violence.
Increase funding at the local, state and federal level for research to understand the overall patterns of gun violence, how our communities are affected by it and identify those most at risk.
Click here to read our proposal for a study committee in Georgia.
Advocate for a health-centered approach to gun violence.
Considering that 61% of gun violence victims die by their own hand, the potential for clinical intervention with evidence-based and evidence-informed policies is powerful. Gun violence deserves scientific research similar to that targeting cancer and heart disease.
Build support for policies that stop guns from getting into the wrong hands and deter bias-motivated violence.